The 12 Basic Yoga Poses
interested in yoga but you do not know where to start then, this post may come in handy. As beginner yogi, you should be familiarized with the 12 basic yoga poses or as they called (Asanas) - meaning pose. If you have noticed most of the original names of yoga poses will be composed of two parts ( x- asana) x refers to the part of the body that the pose focus on and asana simply means pose.

Here are the list of the 12 poses, and what they are intend for:
1. Headstand (Sirsh-asana) To: relax and invigorate your entire body
2. Shoulderstand (Sarvang-asana) To: stretch your cervical and thoracic regions
3. Plough (Hal-asana) To: stretch your cervical and thoracic regions
4. Fish (Matsy-asana) To: ease tension and improve spinal flexibility
5. Sitting Forward bend (Paschimothan-asana) To: stretch the back of your body
6. Cobra (Bhujang-asana) To: stretch the back of your body and spinal flexibility
7. Locust (Shalabh-asana) To: improving flexibility of your body
8. Bow (Dhanur-asana) To: improving balancing of your abdomen
9. Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyender-asana) To: maintain sideway mobility of your spine
10. Crow (Kak-asana) To: improve balancing
11. Standing Forward bend (Pada Hasth-asana) To: make your spine and legs supple and strong
12. Tringle (Trikon-asana) To: improve mobility and stability of your spine