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Power Yoga Basics

Power yoga is a type of yoga which tend to focus on vinyasa-based practice. It is a dynamic and more versatile form of traditional Yoga. The practice meant to strengthen the core and abs mainly by increasing the cardiovascular circulations and helping fight numerous health issues as well. Here is a basic flow and poses that help you building up the sequence:

Warm Up Phase:

Begin the practice by doing some integrative poses for a minute or two such:

Child's pose - help with drawing the inner focus

Downward-facing dog - help wakening muscular effort and help with connection to overall physical structure

Forward bend - help integrates the mind and connected with the body and breath

These poses are the foundation of any power yoga. 3 to 5 Sun Salutations can be replaced

Sequence Flow Phase:

To start the sequence flow you may begin with simple standing poses to practice concentration such Warrior and Triangle postures. For example:

Warrior I

Warrior II

Reverse Warrior

Do it alternatively for no more than 3 poses linked together. These postures prepare the pelvic muscles and get the body ready for backbends.

After finishing standing poses and building enough of internal heat move to backbend to rebuild the heat and strengthening the core of the body such:

Bow pose

Locust pose

Upward-facing pose

Camel pose

Cool-Down Phase:

Start this phase with hip opener such Hero pose, pigeon pose, or rocking-side pose. Then you could move to inversion poses such Legs-up-the-wall pose to get the blood flow back throughout the body.

Closing Phase:

Relax completely and breath in Corpse Pose for up to 3 minutes.


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