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Why Does Weight Fluctuate ?

Have you ever wondered why does your weight is not stable? or why does it go up and down? and even your physician advised you not weigh daily?

Simply it is because weight will never be stable. it is due to the fact that there are various factors influence the weight. Most common factors are:

Which part of the day you weigh yourself:

Time of the day makes a different, although it is not a significant change but it is counted. Most of the time, your weight early in the morning is less than your weight by the end of the day after you had all of your meals.

When do you weigh yourself:

Foods take between 3- 4 hours to be digested in your body, so pay attention when do you step on the scale as that would definitely effect your values.

How big is the meal you had before you weigh:

Fat and protein take longer time to be digested than carbohydrates. As result, on days you eat big fatty meals through out the day you weigh much more.

Amount of water retention in your body:

Here where the sodium plays a major role. Having a meal high in sodium will result in water retention effecting your weight. On the other hand, a diet low in sodium gives you a normal more stable weight.

Constipation Vs. Diarrhea and Water retnetion:

Suffering from diarrhea results in water and nutrients loss, so the wight is usually less than normal state. On contrast, constipation holds the nutrients and water in the body resulting in overweight. Some medicines, vitamins, allergy pills, and antibodies can cause water retention another cause for increasing your weight.

Muscles inflammation:

Lastly, muscles inflammation. This factor is related to athletics and trainers. Due to weight resistance and power exercises, muscles are inflamed and ruptures causing hypertrophies. Consequently, if you weigh yourself right after a training course, it will be higher than your weight on a day with out training.


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