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Surprising Foods That Should Be Refrigerated

While many people store food items in the refrigerator that not necessarily should be chilled, there are also number of food items that should be. Take a look at these food that do better when refrigerated and other foods that should never be refrigerated:


Some tortillas are prone to molding whether they are made from corn or wheat. That is why many tortillas packages have that fine printing recommending refrigerating. Chill them and they will still tip-top shape until the expiration date.

Whole wheat flour:

The wheat germ in the whole wheat can be rancid quite rapidly, so refrigerating or freezing can delay the process and keep the freshness of the taste. Note that when storing flour in freezer, flour typically absorbs the flavors and the smells of the other items in the fridge, so make sure to store in a tight plastic container.

Rip Bananas:

It is fine to rip bananas over the counter if purchased green, however; they will keep ripping if they are not stored in the refrigerated. Refrigerating will disrupt the ripping process for for several days; while the skin may darken, the fruit inside will remain just right.

Citrus Fruits:

Should citrus fruits should be refrigerated or not? Yes and No. If planning to consume citrus fruits fairly enough after purchasing them, then feel free to store them on the counter in a fruit bowl. Otherwise, chilling citrus fruits will slow their decomposition process. Citrus fruits are not meant to be eaten cold, so let them come to room temperature before eating them.


Nuts fragile unsaturated fat go rancid quickly if they are stored on room temperature for long time. This will not hurt your health, but it will destroy the flavor and taste of the nuts. Keep nuts tasting their best by storing them in a moisture-tight plastic or glass container in the refrigerator for up to a year.

Nut butter:

Nut butter such as peanut, almond, cashew, or whatever if they are unpasteurized, they need to be kept in the refrigerator after opening, as the oils will cause he spread to spoil if kept at the room temperature.

Dried fruits:

Although dried fruits have less moisture than fresh fruits, so it they do not spoil quickly. But still they needed to be stored to insure the full freshness, and can be stored in fridge for up to six months.

Corn on the cob:

Within a single day of harvest, corn cobs begin slowly to lose their sweetness, and lose up to 50% of their sugary under room temperature. Corn should be cooked immediately or stored in the refrigerator to keep them sweeter for longer time.


The shelf life for the grapes will be longer when stored in the fridge as the cooling will slow the process of ripping.

Pecan and pumpkin pies/ baked goods:

Made with eggs ! these treats are magnets for bacteria. Once they are taken from oven they are ok to be left at the room temperature up to 2 hours, and up to 4 hours if they are baked at a degree over 90 F. After that they should be stored in fridge for no longer 3 days.


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