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Spirulina, The Super Food

Spirulina has gained its popularity for its loaded nutrients and antioxidants that is why it is called recently the super food.

Spirulina is a form of blue-green called cyanobacteria algae that is edible by human and animals. Two species are being used widely for supplements and whole foods processing: Arthrospira platensis and A. maxima.

The nutritional facts in 7g of dried spirulina powder

Protein 4g

Vitamin B1 11% of RDA

Vitamin B2 15% of RDA

Vitamin B3 4% of RDA

Copper 21% of RDA

Iron 11% of RDA

In addition to antioxidants, fibers, sugar and trace minerals

Why spirulina gain its popularity as super food?

There are many confirmed benefits due to consumption of Spirulina regularly, There are some of these benefits:

  • The protein in Spirulina considered a complete protein comparable to egg. It contains all of the essential amino acids that the body needs

  • It lowers the level of bad cholesterol LDL and triglycerides. A study found that consuming 1g of powdered Spirulina per day has lowered the level of LDL from 16.3% to 10.1%

  • It protects the oxidative process of the bad LDL. It is known that one of the major causes of the development of heart diseases is the high rate of oxidation of LDL cholesterol. A study on 37 of participants consumed 7g of Spirulina powder regularly has lowered the oxidative damage and increase the level of good antioxidants enzymes

  • Spirulina has anti-cancer properties. 87 Indianan participants have consumed 1g of powdered spirulina daily 45% of them reported their lesions have disappeared strangely have of them reported the lesions are back when they stop taking their doses

  • Spirulina may be effective in improving the condition of anemia. Since it is loaded with iron, it helps with increasing hemoglobin level in the blood

  • It helps with reduction of high blood pressure. Spirulina has a fair amount of nitric oxide in its composition an agent that aides relaxing and dilation of your blood vessels. A 4.5 g per day help reduce the blood pressure and improve the elasticity of the vessels

So, what is optimum dose to be taken?

Currently, spirulina available in form of powder or tablets, and since it is indifferent from any other dietary supplements there is no well known dose. However, the common current dose is 2 to 7g

Downsides and side effects?

Spirulina is like other supplements not regulated by FDA. It is proclaimed to be safe by the proofs of their manufacturers

As like any dietary supplements potential side effects may occurred include

  • Stomach ache

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Liver damage

  • Rapid heartbeats

  • Weakness

Last Resort Advice

If you decide on consuming spirulina make sure that you purchase it from a well resource as well as the supplement is free and clean from any harm metals and unknown substances

Never exceeds the amount of 7g per day to be in the preventative side

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