Safe Eating for Poor Immune Function

People with weakened immune systems due to underlying medical conditions such cancer, liver, kidneys and diabetes are subjects to food poisoning because of the low rate of neutrophils which are important part of the white blood cells. Their movement is not limited to a specific parts of circulation so they move freely between the veins and tissues to attack all antigens.
The following High Risk Food are better to be avoided and based on the Food Groups:
Breads and Cereals... etc:
Raw grain products such oats (it toasted OK)
Uncooked baked biscuits or cake batter
Un-refregirated cream or custard filled baked goods
Pre-pared rice, couscous or pasta salad from deli or salad bars
Unwashed or poor quality raw fruits
Pre-cut fruits such 1/2 cut melon
Commercially freshly squeezed fruits
Unwashed raw vegetables or herbs
All raw vegetabels sprouts such beans
Prepared salads from super market or salad bars
Milk, Yogurt, Cheese & Alternative:
Unpasteurised milk, cheese, yoghurt
Cheese from delicatessens
Soft, semisoft or surfaced ripened
cheeses (pre-packaged and delicatessen) such Feta, ricotta
Soft serve ice-cream, soft serve yoghurt and drinks containing these
Commercially prepared and unpackaged smoothies or thickshakes
Probiotic drinks/ yoghurts
Meat, Fish, Poultry & Alternative:
Packaged/Unpackaged ready-to-eat cold meats from supermarkets, deli counters, sandwich bars etc.
Raw/undercooked meat, fish, seafood
Raw egg in drinks e.g. egg flips
Raw egg in desserts e.g. mousse,
tiramisu, cheesecakes
Cold BBQ chicken from shops
Cold smoked fish such salmon
Raw or ready-to-eat seafood
oysters, sushi
Fats & Oils:
Fresh salad dressings that contain aged cheese such Blue cheese
Mayonnaise/aioli made with raw egg
Take Away Foods:
Avoid food that is kept hot and not freshly cooked such food in pie or food warmers/hot boxes/buffets
Avoid salads, sandwiches, sushi and rice paper rolls
Any outdated products
Unpackaged dips
Leftovers greater than one day old
Raw or non-heat treated honey, honey
in the comb
Unpackaged raw nuts, any nuts in the
Probiotic capsules/powders