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People With Metabolic Syndrome May Need Vitamin E Supplement

Vitamin E is one of the micronutrients that is difficult to get through diet. It is antioxidant that is important for cell protection. It involves in the health of immune functions, repair of wounds, vision, and neurological functions. Vitamin E is found in high levels in almonds, wheat germ, various seeds, and oils.

A new research was done in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, as double-crossover clinical trial found that people with metabolic syndrome need significantly more vitamin E, about 30-50% more than who are generally healthy people.

Metabolic Syndrom is defined usually by one of these conditions include abdominal obesity, elevated lipids, high blood pressure, pro-inflammatory state, or insulin resistance.

The research demonstrates the reasons why even with conventional measurements of vitamin E appeared to be normal the group of people with metabolic syndrome, the need is increased. Because the vitamin E molecule attracts and binds cholesterol and fats molecules, it stays at higher levels in the circulatory system and gives illusion of adequate levels. As results, the findings support the conclusion that people with metabolic syndrome undergo high oxidative and inflammatory stress, so they require additional supplementation of vitamin E to make up for the deficiency.

Reference:Oregon State University. (2017, January 17). Millions of people with metabolic syndrome may need more vitamin E. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 27, 2017 from


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