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Lowering Blood Cholesterol with Phytosterols

Plant sterols and stanols as known as Phytosterols are found naturally in plants, and they have knowing for its affect on lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Due to their similar structure to cholesterol they mimic cholesterol and compete with it for absorption. The result is that less cholesterol is absorbed into the body from the gut. The reduction of cholesterol is happen gradually depending on the amount of phytosterols consumed.

"Over 3 weeks, plants sterols and stanols can reduce cholesterol levels by up to 10%"

So far, the consumption of both plant sterols and stanols are considered safe and cause no harm. They targeted specifically people with raised cholesterols, and have no real benefits for other group of population. Regard their safety for children, they should be taken under supervision and it is usually prescribed for children who have inherited high cholesterol such as Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). It is should be voided by other children, pregnant women, or breast feeding.

Do they work well with cholesterol lowering medicines?

Because they work differently, plant sterols can be used effectively alongside statins or fibrates. They could increase the reduction of cholesterol level up to 70%. However, they can not replace statins that is due to the more effectiveness of statins than sterols and stanols. Patients taking Ezetrol (Ezetimide), a drug works to inhibit cholesterol absorption in small intestine, there is a little additive benefits taking the medicine along sterols and stanols due the similarity of mechanism.

What is the recommended amount for consumption?

Scientific evidence suggests eating between 1.5g and 2.4g of plant sterol each day can significantly reduce LDL level, and there is no additional benefits of taking more than 3g per day.

Choose 3 of the following plant sterol or stanol fortified foods each day:

  • 250 ml fortified milk

  • 2 Tsp of a fortified spread

  • 1 individual fortified yogurt

( each of these contains 0.5- 0.8mg plant sterol of stanol)


  • one fortified mini yogurt drink 67.5- 100ml

Dietary supplements can be taken instead of fortified food as well but it should be from a reliable resource.

Source: Heart


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