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Juice, Juice concentrate or Nectar? which one is best?

Juice, Juice concentrate and Nectar are related to the plants with a small difference between them. Nectar is produced by the plant, the flowers to be specific then for the human consumption water is added to be less in thickness. usually sweeteners or sugar are added to nectars. Juice is unfermented but fermentable liquid gotten from the fruits and vegetables while juice concentrate isa juice has been concentrated by the pressure to reduce its volume then return to its state by adding the water.

Because the nectar is produced by the flowers or the extra floral nectaries, it is consumed by the animals and humans, while juice is consumed by humans only as of it requires processing through mashing or squeezing fruits and vegetables, and it is not found naturally like the nectar. However, when comparing to thickness, nectar is thicker than juice.

Nectar plays an important role in nature. it attracts birds and animals that help in pollinating as it acts as nutrient for these animals.

In term of which one is best?

For sure Fruit juice then Juice concentrate then comes nectar.

We used what it is called Brix- A unit of measure used in the refractometer which is used to measure the refractive index of plant juices in order to determine the mineral/sugar ratio of the plant cell protoplasm.

Common Brix values for unconcentrated fruit juices:


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