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Green Tea Between Myths and Facts

Metabolism simply is the process of converting what we eat in the energy we need to survive and function. It is tempting to throw up our hands and blame weight issues on the a slow metabolism, however, there are always some ways to support it and aid with maintaining a healthy weight. Green tea one of them once we know how to drink it properly.

Claim: A diet of green tea will boost metabolism

The truth: Although many nutritionist recommend green tea as one ingredient for weight loss management, there is no magic or food that speed up metabolism. Some studies have shown that green tea is temporarily boost metabolic rates, but the lift is not enough to offset to much consumed calories. That means in addition to drink green tea, the necessity of portion control and a balanced diet filled with nutrient rich food is required.

Claim: Black tea has more caffeine than green tea.

The truth: Both green and black tea leaves are taken from the same plants. The difference in color is achieved due to the difference in processing. As result, both black and green tea are equal in amount caffeine content.

Claim: Green tea can not promote cancer.

The truth: Although It has been suggested that polyphenol compounds particularly catechins, substance that prevents build up of enzymes that are needed for growth of cancer cells, in green tea may play role in preventing cancer, other studies have shown that large intake of green tea and black can promote throat cancer.


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